
Social Tournament & BBQ

Did you miss it? Yes? Shame

You missed a real treat; warm day, crackin’ tennis and a hotly contested final. Ultimately it was the partnership of R White (wasn’t he a secret lemonade drinker?) aka Roger White and Paul ‘The Legend’ Radford who nicked it by beating R Haynes & Son aka Ron (Shorts Like Nadal) & Finn ‘The Serve’ Haynes

Well done to everyone for bringing stuff (salad, sauces, cous cous etc) along, not least Janet for getting the chicken, sausages, burgers etc from the supermarket, organising the BBQ, baking and bringing the chocolate cake, etc etc etc etc and cleaning up (ably assisted by Roger). Good job she wasn’t in the tournament, she’d have ‘cleaned up’ in that too ……(well, maybe not).

Good lunch, good laugh, good chat and good contest.

Make a date in your diary for the note next one – 11am, Sunday July 21st

See you there

P.S. Yes – ‘shorts’ like Nadal, not shots